Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In Washington D.C. - Split this Rock

I will go into this in much more detail tomorrow. But I'm here in Washington D.C. after what amounted to 12 hours on the road. Of course, some of those hours were spent napping at a gas station. But in my defense, I worked from 3 to 11 p.m. and left without so much as a nap after I had gathered my things.

But to tide everyone over, here's the rundown of what's about to go down. The Affrilachian Poets are representing at two different events within Split this Rock; both at a workshop called "Raising Radical Poets," and at a reading. I will only be performing at the reading, but I'm excited about it nevertheless. Especially since I wrote the initial proposal. For the poetry reading, that is.

There's more details at the Split This Rock 2010 page. For now, I gotta get my stuff done so I can sleep. Got some sight seeing to do.


  1. aww. you are so motivated. If I had just a touch of yr motivation I would be Nikki Giovanni! #ithink

  2. Thanks Vizionheiry! And I think you are very motivated. But even Nikki Giovanni was, at one time, Nikki Giovanni the unknown/lesser-known poet. haha
